Bear Cubs - Hares - Meerkats - LIVING AND NONLIVING THINGS

      Children recognized different living and nonliving things at school.

They explored some characteristics of Living Things:

1) Living Things eat.

2) Living Things grow and change.
3) Living Things move.
4) Living Things reproduce.

      They also observed an interesting video  about this.

 Let’s watch a video, play some games and practice using a worksheet:






Bear Cubs - FIRST WEEK

During the first week of classes Bear Cubs did different activities to get to know each other.
One of them was to find a partner and talk about an animal. At the end they were given a big cardboard were they colored the animal they chose.
Here we have some pictures we would like to share.


    Mr. Marcelino teaches our children how to be a good friend during Physical Education Classes. 

The Bear Cubs explore how fast they are by playing some competitive games. At the end they were all winners.

Bear Cubs - LUNCH TIME

Bear Cubs are well organized by groups. They enjoy being part of this classroom. Our rule is to always be happy and make others happy.
Let’s watch some pictures of them during the lunch time. Enjoy!


1  The recorder is a great instrument, and many people enjoy playing it. Our Bear Cubs will learn this year all about the recorder.

This instrument will help our students to work with their patience and their tolerance. It will also help them to remember about volume levels and create a variety of different musical notes.

Today, our music teachers introduced the recorder as a musical instrument and children played with the rhythm of different instruments.